Gate Titan V3 Advanced Complete Set

titan v3 advanced complete set

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Marca: Gate

Descrizione del prodotto: Titan is not just another drop-in MOSFET IT is the Complex System that turns your AEG into an Advanced training Weapon. Why Titan is So Special IT has a user-friendly configurazione tramite the Gate Control stazione app for Android, Windows e MacOS IT is the First and Only MOSFET allowing for making firmware Updates via the Internet, What enables improvements IT has The Proximity Trigger Sensor which offers You Even 250 possibile sensitivity settings IT has innovative Optical Sensors instead of Mechanical Switches that can be prone to faults IT Gives you anno Access to the Statistics and Rankings in case of Advanced firmware IT replicates a Trigger Response Like A Real Gun IT is compatible with DSG, SSG and 19-tooth Gears IT is compatible with most V3 Gearboxes including CNC on the market senza modifica IT is compatible with most Powerful AEG replicas. IT is an Electronic Unit, which replaces the trigger contatti and the cut-off Lever, which Takes Control of your AEG. Titan Gives you the opzione to adjust: Fire Selector modalità pre-cocking modalità pre-cocking Boost Burst modalità Burst ROF Stabilization ROF Control Sniper Delay Battery protezione Battery Cell Low battery Warning 30-rounds Limit ciclo Detection Equalizer Dynamic Trigger Point Attiva Brake Gear Ratio

cod. prodotto: 5904730532266

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Descrizione del prodotto

Titan is not just another drop-in MOSFET IT is the Complex System that turns your AEG into an Advanced training Weapon; Why Titan is So Special IT has a user-friendly configurazione tramite the Gate Control stazione app for Android, Windows e MacOS IT is the First and Only MOSFET allowing for making firmware Updates via the Internet, What enables improvements IT has The Proximity Trigger Sensor which offers You Even 250 possibile sensitivity settings IT has innovative Optical Sensors instead of Mechanical Switches that can be prone to faults IT Gives you anno Access to the Statistics and Rankings in case of Advanced firmware IT replicates a Trigger Response Like A Real Gun IT is compatible with DSG, SSG and 19-tooth Gears IT is compatible with most V3 Gearboxes including CNC on the market senza modifica IT is compatible with most Powerful AEG replicas; It is an electronic unit, which replaces the trigger contatti and the cut-off lever, which takes control of your aeg; Titan Gives you the opzione to adjust: Fire Selector modalità pre-cocking modalità pre-cocking Boost Burst modalità Burst ROF Stabilization ROF Control Sniper Delay Battery protezione Battery Cell Low battery Warning 30-rounds Limit ciclo Detection Equalizer Dynamic Trigger Point Attiva Brake Gear Ratio.

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